Touch of Global Care Philanthropists
Welcome to the SEEDS Community Forums.
Welcome and thank you for being a part of this community. Use these forum to connect with other users and tell us how you can be of help with the Global challenges. We seek for users who are compassionate and willing to donate their time and ideas to solve the critical issues that has bothered humanity. Post questions and answers, talk about things you'd like. Be the change you would like to see, etc.
We hope you enjoy being part of us! To get started:
Go ahead and introduce yourself. Don't be shy.
If you are new to our forums check out this forum thread on how things work over here.
You can volunteer to join as moderators to help us manage the forum better.
You can also donate for us to upgrade our forum and add additional options that will make it fun!
You can also request to learn more projects and make your contributions.
Well then let’s get on to it..
Have fun!

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Touch of Global Care Philanthropists
Welcome to the SEEDS Community Forums.
Welcome and thank you for being a part of this community. Use these forum to connect with other users and tell us how you can be of help with the Global challenges. We seek for users who are compassionate and willing to donate their time and ideas to solve the critical issues that has bothered humanity. Post questions and answers, talk about things you'd like. Be the change you would like to see, etc.
We hope you enjoy being part of us! To get started:
Go ahead and introduce yourself. Don't be shy.
If you are new to our forums check out this forum thread on how things work over here.
You can volunteer to join as moderators to help us manage the forum better.
You can also donate for us to upgrade our forum and add additional options that will make it fun!
You can also request to learn more projects and make your contributions.
Well then let’s get on to it..
Have fun!

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